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Courtin in The Kitchen
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This guy had a severe crush on a girl so, as he said, he "dressed meself quite gay and I frizzed an oiled me hair up" in hte end he was galavanting for the girl
Courtin In The Kitchen
G Em D
Come single belle and beau, unto me pay attention
G Em C D7
Don't ever fall in love, tis the devil's own invention
For once I fell in love with a maiden so bewitchin'
C Am A7 D
Miss Henrietta Bell down in Captain Kelly's kitchen
With me too-rah-loo-rah-lay, me too-rah-loo-rah-laddie
G Em D G
With me too-rah-loo-rah-lay, me too-rah-loo-rah-laddie
G Em D
At the age of seventeen I was 'prenticed to a grocer
G Em C D7
Not far from Stephen's Green where Miss Henri used to go sir
Her manners were so fine, she set me heart a twitchin'
C Am A7 D
When she invited me to a hooley in the kitchen
G Em D
Sunday being the day we were to have the flare up
G Em C D7
I dressed meself quite gay and I frizzed an oiled me hair up
The captain had no wife and he'd gone off a fishin'
C Am A7 D
So we kicked up the highlife below the stairs in the kitchen
G Em D
With me arms around her waist, she slyly hinted marriage
G Em C D7
When to the door in haste came Captain Kelly's carriage
Her looks told me full well and they were not bewitchin'
C Am A7 D
That she wished I'd get to hell, or somewhere from the kitchen
G Em D
She flew up off my knees, full five feet up or higher
G Em C D7
And over head and heels threw me slap into the fire!
My new Repealer's coat, that I bought from Mr. Stichen
C Am A7 D
With a thirty-shilling note, went to blazes in the kitchen
G Em D
I grieved to see my duds, all besmeared with smoke and ashes
G Em C D7
When a tub of dirty suds right in my face she dashes
As I lay on the floor still the water she kept pitchin'
C Am A7 D
'Till the footman broke the door, and marched down into the kitchen
G Em D
When the Captain came downstairs though he seen me situation
G Em C D7
Despite all me prayers I was marched off to the station
For me they'd take no bail though to get home I was itchin'
C Am A7 D
And I had to tell the tale how I came into the kitchen
G Em D
Now I said she did invite me she gave a flat denial
G Em C D7
For assault she did indict me and I was sent for trial
She swore I robbed the house in spite of all th screetchin
C Am A7 D
And I got six months hard for me courtin in the kitchen